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Step 1
Open Photoshop. Create new document: File -> New (or Ctrl+N); transparent background. Create a new layer. Fill with beige colour like #E2C998.
BURNT PARCHMENT PAPER photoshop tutorial - Step 1

Step 2
Create another layer. Set your background color to #FCF0C7.
Apply Filter > Texture -> Grain
BURNT PARCHMENT PAPER photoshop tutorial - grain filter BURNT PARCHMENT PAPER photoshop tutorial - Step 2

Step 3
Apply Filter > Texturizer with following settings:
BURNT PARCHMENT PAPER photoshop tutorial - texturizer filter BURNT PARCHMENT PAPER photoshop tutorial - Step 3

Step 4
With Rectangular Marquee tool make a selection in shape of your paper. Select Inverse (or Shift+Ctrl+I). Delete.
rectangular marquee BURNT PARCHMENT PAPER photoshop tutorial - Step 4

Step 5
Apply Inner Shadow with following settings:
BURNT PARCHMENT PAPER photoshop tutorial - Inner Shadow BURNT PARCHMENT PAPER photoshop tutorial - Step 5

Step 6
Add Pattern Overlay:
BURNT PARCHMENT PAPER photoshop tutorial - Pattern Overlay BURNT PARCHMENT PAPER photoshop tutorial - Step 6

Step 7
Using Lasso Tool, click on your document and draw a jagged edged rectangle. Select Inverse (or Shift+Ctrl+I) and delete.
lasso tool BURNT PARCHMENT PAPER photoshop tutorial - Step 7

Step 8
Select your Burn Tool and then Select a nice large grunge brush. Paint all over your paper.
burn tool BURNT PARCHMENT PAPER photoshop tutorial - Step 8

BURNT PARCHMENT PAPER photoshop tutorial - finished


  1. 레드레빗 says:

    저기… 굽기 도구가 없는거같은데 어떡하죠.. ? 좋은 자료 감사합니다^^

  2. Shraddha says:

    Thanks for the bearutiful tips in Photoshop. I simply love trying them out

  3. admin says:

    @ Shraddha
    I am really happy that these tutorials help you 🙂

  4. anonymous says:

    re u billabong shraddha?

  5. A nice bit of photo retouching , I am going to recommend this site to my students.

  6. Hariharan says:

    Thank you very much for this tutorial…..Thanks a lot..

  7. rashd says:

    fantastic and siper

  8. FxFreak says:

    Didn’t work.

  9. gin says:

    thanks, this is very helpful

  10. Very good tips for photoshop learners. really helpful

  11. Simon Davies says:

    Very Good tips and nice ideas for read Photoshop tutorial,like lot of

  12. Mohit Tyagi says:

    I am happy that these tutorials really helpful

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